Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Be Connected. Stay Connected.

This past Saturday and Sunday at Vision Weekend, Davin Yokomori gave a remarkable illustration about being connected to God & to the church.

"Connection brings Protection" is what he said.

He said something about stubbing his toe, and how it affects the entire body and not just the toe. When you stub your toe, your hand immediately reaches down to comfort that hurt toe. The whole body felt this happen. Tears may have welled up... Certain words may have come flying out of your mouth on accident.

Bottom Line: Your whole body feels it.

When this happens, your body goes into protection mode.

the point? Well, the point is, is that while you are connected - whether it be to God or to Gods kingdom & family, when you are hurt, the rest of the body comes to help protect you.

But as Davin closed this thought off - He pointed out that if you're NOT connected, then how will anyone know that you need HELP. How will anyone know anything about you, how to help you.

In other words: When you stub your toe, I won't feel it. Cause your feet belongs to your body.

How are you getting connected? How are you staying connected?

What are you doing to help others get connected?

Be sure to get the DVD's if you weren't able to make it this past weekend!

Be blessed family!

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