Sunday, March 21, 2010

Vision Runners - Am I taking responsibility for the gospel - really?

Passage Galatians 6:4-5:   Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.
Vision Runner:
A fully devoted follower of Christ, a disciple, running with the vision of the house, determined to make an eternal difference by their faith.

believer who understands the overall purpose of God, to seek and save the lost.

believer who is awake, aware and alert about their personal contribution to God's overall plan to help hurting people.

believer who is intentional, deliberate and "on purpose" about doing their part in the bigger picture of God's scheme

believer who is focused he doesn't run aimlessly with his life, he doesn't just do whatever comes to mind, he doesn't just go the way of the world and try to serve God on Sundays.

believer who takes their responsibility seriously for the grace thats been given them. There is a grace on your life to make a difference in this world.

believer who is walking with a substance GOD has given them. Not that Pastor or WOL has given them but God has given them. You need to understand it belongs to you!

Friday, March 19, 2010

At Word of Life ...

    At Word of Life ...

  • Everything we are striving to do is centered on the cross of calvary,

  • Everything we do has redemptive power to it,

  • Everything we do is because of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross of Calvary.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Are Life Groups?

"Our Life groups and Homes of Peace multiply the shepherd's care,

They are an extension the pastors calling,

they take the heart of the heavenly shepherd Jesus Christ

and the heart of our Pastor and minister to the people."

- Pastor Art

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Women's Life International Conference Speaker: 1980 Miss America Cheryl Salem, Speaking Sunday, Feb. 7th 9am, 11am & 6pm Services

Cheryl Prewitt grew up in Choctaw County, Mississippi. Through her unyielding trust in God, she overcame a crippling car accident and being sexually abused as a child. Her faith in Him enabled her to fulfill her dreams and brought her victory!

A scarred face, a body cast and a wheelchair did not add up to disaster for this little girl.  When Cheryl was a young girl of eleven, this accident forced her to decide whether to trust God or just give up and accept the prognosis...Doctors promised that she would be scarred, they claimed that she would not walk again, they insisted that bearing children would be impossible for her...they were wrong!

Cheryl not only walked; she walked the runway at Atlantic City to become Miss America! Only her focused faith in God kept her on the road to winning.  She married Harry Salem and gave birth to three beautiful children! Throughout the years, she has relied upon that same focused trust in Him to keep her on the winning side.  She is a wife, mother, musician, and minister of the gospel, traveling the world, to preach the Good News.  

The news that the Salems received in early 1999 was anything but good, however. Everything in life had seemingly come together to near perfection.  But in a matter of a few hours one January morning, this family was rocked to the core.  Their beautiful 5-year-old daughter, Gabrielle Christian, received a diagnosis that declared should would not live to see her 6th birthday.  For 11 months, this family stood in faith, believing God for Gabrielle's healing to manifest. She now lives in Heaven, completely restored! Theirs is a testimony of hope, trust in God's sovereign plan, and of restoration.  Gabrielle went to Heaven in November 1999.  This family has not backed down, they have not given up, they continue to reach out to people, to show them how to go from mourning to morning and from grief to glory.

In the days that followed Gabrielle's death, Cheryl realized that the Lord was bringing the family through the valley of the shadow of death, and into a deeper, more intimate level with Him, a level even beyond faith, called trust.  Harry Salem says that failure is nothing more than broken focus...may Cheryl Salem's testimony fo perserving faith and trust in God  inspire you to keep your focus as you run your race to win!

Monday, February 1, 2010

God's not in control of EVERYTHING

The first thing that God did after He created the world...He gave man authority! He gave man dominian! (Genesis 1:28-29)

But Adam & Eve both fell and the curse came upon the Earth. Jesus came to redeem us from the curse and for those who have received Jesus Christ into their lives, there has been re-established authority and dominion. That's why the Bible says in Matthew 16:19:

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Why did He say that? Because everything that happens in your life is not up to God!  

What are you allowing or what are you dis-allowing? 

If God were in control, there wouldn't be the disasters that you and I see, because he is not the taker of human life. God says "I have come to give life and life more abundantly.  It's the thief that comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." (John 10:10)

You ask "why is there pain and problems?" Because we still live under the curse.  The Bible says that the whole world is under the sway of the evil one. And then there's the foolishness of men. C' and we can do some dumb stuff sometimes.  

God is not a controller. He is not a manipulator. God does not want to control.  God wants a relationship! You have a right to choose.  

You have the power of choice.  

"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;" -Deuteronomy 30:19

God is giving us a big hint on what he wants us to do! Through the Holy Spirit He tries to lead us to make the right choice but ultimately you will make the decision. 

You are a summary right now of the choices you have made in your life.   

Most people don't want to admit that because they don't want to take responsibility for their lives. It's much easier to blame other people and make excuses for why things aren't working out. But we have the power of choice! 

Only be careful that this power of choice (this permission and liberty to do as you please) which is yours, does not [somehow] become a hindrance (cause of stumbling) to the weak or overscrupulous [giving them an impulse to sin]. 
- 1 Corinthians 8:9

The power of choice is very powerful!  It can lead you where God wants you to go or it can be something that can hinder you. The thing is that we have to take responsibility for the choices we make.  

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, January 25, 2010

What Are You Looking At?!

While we do not look at the things which ARE SEEN, but at the things which are NOT SEEN. For the things which ARE SEEN are temporary, but the things which are NOT SEEN are eternal. - 2 Corinthians 4:18 NKJV

Enlarging Your Vision Is Raising Your Level Of Expentancy
We have to change what we SEE before we can change how we live.

Every day we have to live with an attitude that good things will happen.  When you get up in the morning you can set your thoughts like this:

"This is going to be a great day! God is guiding and directing my steps. For the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord and he leads me in the paths of life. His favor surrounds me, goodness and mercy follow me wherever I go.  I expect that today circumstances will change in my favor. I expect today that people will go out of their way to help me.  I expect today to not only be blessed but to be a blessing toward other people!"

Our Expectations Set the Boundaries For Our Lives!  Expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles!

You have what your faith expects. So what does your faith expect every day of your life?  You and I must look through the eyes of faith and start seeing yourself how God sees you.  And start seeing yourself according to the don't have to talk to God into it, he's already made provision for you.  

“According to your faith let it be to you.” - Matthew 9:29 

You can choose to focus on the things that are subject to change OR you can choose to focus on those things that are eternal, the things that are for God, His plans for your life.  What things get your most attention?  Ask yourself today:

What am I looking at?!  

Thursday, January 21, 2010


At the start of 2010, God gave a Word to Pastor Art Sepulveda..."Double For Your Trouble." This is a word for anyone that receives it! The foundation scripture for this powerful word is Isaiah 61 from The Message Bible. Read and receive it for yourself!

The Message Bible

The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me.
He sent me to preach good news to the poor,
heal the heartbroken,
Announce freedom to all captives,
pardon all prisoners.
God sent me to announce the year of his grace—
a celebration of God's destruction of our enemies—
and to comfort all who mourn,
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness"
planted by God to display his glory.
They'll rebuild the old ruins,
raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They'll start over on the ruined cities,
take the rubble left behind and make it new.
You'll hire outsiders to herd your flocks
and foreigners to work your fields,
But you'll have the title "Priests of God,"
honored as ministers of our God.
You'll feast on the bounty of nations,
you'll bask in their glory.
and more than your share of contempt,
and your joy go on forever.

"Because I, God, love fair dealing
and hate thievery and crime,
I'll pay your wages on time and in full,
and establish my eternal covenant with you.
Your descendants will become well-known all over.
Your children in foreign countries
Will be recognized at once
as the people I have blessed."

I will sing for joy in God,
explode in praise from deep in my soul!
He dressed me up in a suit of salvation,
he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo
and a bride a jeweled tiara.
For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers,
and as a garden cascades with blossoms,
So the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom
and puts praise on display before the nations.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Your Vision: The Blueprint of Your Life


What is the driving force in your life?
The vision in your heart is driving you toward the future of your life!

Where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

If you don't have a goal, a dream, a desire - you're going to miss out on God's best for your life.

The good news is that we can readjust, we can make some changes. You're not stuck! God wants you to have a fresh start!


A blueprint is a large sheet of paper and on that, an architect has drawn a picture of what is going to become a reality. But first it has to be drawn, but before it is drawn, he has to envision it. The contractor will only build that which is drawn.

It's the Holy Spirit's job to paint that in your heart. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to work with us through the Word of God to paint a real positive and healthy future for our lives.

Do you have a clear blueprint for your life?

4 Foundational Truths for Developing Your Vision - The Blueprint of Your Life

1. Dare to believe in God's future for your life
(Jeremiah 29:11)
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

2. Take responsibility for your own blueprint
(1 Corinthians 3:9)
Or, to put it another way, you are God's house. Using the gift God gave me as a good architect, I designed blueprints;

3. Write the vision and make it plain
(Habakkuk 2:2-3)
Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

4. Decide to sow seed toward your future
(Genesis 26:12)
Then Isaac sowed seed in that land and received in the same year a hundred times as much as he had planted, and the Lord favored him with blessings.

God has a picture for your life! He wants you to do something! It's a dream for your life! A desire for your life! Your best is yet to come!

Monday, January 4, 2010

What You SEE Is What You Get

Matthew 6: 22-23: "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

Scientists have said that the eye is like the lense of a camera. They eye doesn't think, the eye doesn't have it's own mind. The actual sight is in the mind.

The way you see things is not decided by your eyes, but by how you think! What Jesus is saying in the scripture above is that your eye is the light of your life. How do you see your life? How do you see your tomorrow? If your eye is good...if you see good...if you focus on good...if you see the positive...if you focus on the thoughts of God, the plans of God, the purposes of God, the promises of God...then your whole life will be lit up and the blessing of God will be on you!

"Light" in the Bible always makes reference to God's presence, God's power, God's blessing. So Jesus is literally your light and your life! Now if your eye is "bad" - that is you have a negative outlook, you see life cynically, you see life negatively from a wordly perspective, from an unGodly perspective, from a fleshly perspective, from an evil perspective...if that's how you focus on life...then your whole life will be full of darkness Jesus says. It's what you're going to move toward in your life.

It becomes the Light or the Dark - most people live the lives by the way that they think - not necessarily by what they want.

What You SEE Is What You Get!

"He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it" - Proverbs 11:27

Vision is the ability to see what is not yet! It's the God-given gift to see those things which are not as though they were!

"The greatest tragedy in life is people who have sight, but no vision." -Helen Keller


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are You A Part Of The Pull?

Are you doing your part to pull in those that need rescuing into the house of God?

Often times there are people that say "I love Jesus"...
I love Jesus too and I'm glad you do, but ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART WITH THE PULL? You're part of making a difference in the lives of those that need rescuing and in the church itself as Jesus would have us to all do.

And then people say "Bless God, I've been in the church since 1960-whatever" and praise God I rejoice with you! But I simply want to ask you a question: ARE YOU A PART OF THE PULL?!

Are you helping in the pull?

Some people are great talkers but not they're not doers.

Some people say "Are you questioning my relationship with God?" And no, that is not what I'm doing at all, I just need to ask you a question regardless..

Some people say "I like to sing certain songs to the Lord because it makes me feel good" And I am so happy for you but I still have a question for you...

Some people say with tears of joy "I'm so grateful that I'm saved!" And I'm happy for you and I'll cry a good cry with you, but I just gotta ask you...

It's biblical and scriptural for you and I to be part of the pull! For example the bible in Ephesians 4:16 reads "from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love."

Now, if I were to change that up a little bit it to help you understand, it would go like this: "Joined together, every part does it's pull..." It's PULL!

Your PULL makes the difference!